Monday, October 15, 2007

My First Post.................. I go........I have always wanted to start a blog, but never knew how to. Then lo and behold I was eavesdropping on a certain someone's myspace page and saw that they are a blogger and that lead me to my destiny...........

I really didn't know how to title my blog, but I guess my title captures my heart. I am a single mother of a beautiful, intelligent and endearing 9 year old girl. She is everything a Mother could want............... I know, I know, she is only 9........but believe me the first years weren't so fact, maybe that's why I didn't start the blog previous to this........just joking. I am going to blog about all the "crazy" and sometimes mundane things in my life.....maybe next year I will be able to say, hey that wasn't so bad! I want to capture my weight loss, my adventures of being a single mom, my new job and my "absolutely wicked crazy family"!!

Well since I didn't mean to start this blog tonight, since it is 11:30, I guess I should mosy on to bed...........before I am to tired to wake up in the morning.

I am a grateful Mom today! I am grateful to have my daughter, my family, my friends, my church and my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!! So peace out until tomorrow.........

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